Neo X is in sync with most Ethereum JSON-RPC methods, but there are some differences to note:
— returns the chain ID of Neo X.eth_hashrate
— returns0x0
by default.eth_coinbase
— returns theGovReward
contract address.eth_gasPrice
— returns the maximum value of the current network GAS price and the lowest allowed GAS price by Neo X Policy.eth_maxPriorityFeePerGas
— returns an estimated value of priority fee to get a transaction allowed by Neo X Policy and in the current block.eth_getUncleByBlockHashAndIndex
— returnsnull
by default.eth_getUncleByBlockNumberAndIndex
— returnsnull
by default.eth_getUncleCountByBlockHash
— returns0
by default.eth_getUncleCountByBlockNumber
— returns0
by default.eth_getEncryptedTransaction
- returns the cached and signed secret transactions. It requires a valid sender signature in parameters, and only works on nodes configured with--txpool.signaturecache
- returns the minimum additionalgastip
that anti-mev transactions should pay for the service.eth_maxEnvelopeGasLimit
- returns the maximumgaslimit
that an Envelope can declare for itself.
Last updated